Thursday, February 09, 2006


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Thought i'd also share this. I'm the goalie hitting the guy in the head. It was the game to get into the gold medal game. We won in Overtime.

In other news.. blah blah blah blah blah.

Well it’s been over two months since I last updated here. A lot’s happened since then, including starting my senior year of high school, as well as celebrating Christmas, going to art camp, playing zilch hockey because it’s been 40 + celcius and failing my learners licence 3 times. Pretty busy hey?

In hockey news however just as much as happened!

The Boston Bruins have decided not to suck as badly as previously in the season, though are still highly deserving of a rather hard thumping with a stick. The trading of team captain Joe Thornton definatley provided a wake up call and players such as Patrice Bergeron (scored or assisted on 6 of the last 8 GWG) and Brad Boyes combined with the new addition of Marco Sturm are tearing it up as the teams new top line.

On a slightly lighter Bruins note, as a joke my best friend presented me for Christmas and late birthday a custom Boston Bruins Jersey! I was thrilled as custom jerseys are so hard to get over here and turns out he actually had it ordered from Canada.

So in the sake of what I think is one hella funny inside joke. The Mrs Bergeron Jersey.
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Something else that is bothering me is the recent penalty of illegal stick on Ilya Kovalchuk. After Bob Hartley, his coach, was quoted refering to Kovalchuk’s stick as a way of cheating you can’t help but question the dynamics on the team. Does he always play with such a stick and simply not get called? Or did he bring it out for the game in an attempt to win it? If so. WHY?

Is it not unfair, however, to the European players who have been raised playing with such styles of curve and so on, that the moment they make the NHL, or atleast move to North America to play they are forced to adapt to a style they’ve never used.

I do not profess to understand the difference’s curves make on a stick, myself having played goalkeeper for all of my years playing hockey, so I would have to talk to a team mate but I do understand the need for regulation. Allowing one goalie extra width on a paddle compared to another would simply be wrong.

Such situations lead us to consider the fact that shouldn’t a universal set of rules be instated across all professional leagues that allow more fairness when it comes to equipment.

I wonder what the rules for the Olympics are?

Our inline season started back yesterday and I missed the first game (just a muck around) because of the inter-house swim carnival (in which I came last in every race and so did our house! Go Wheatley Wockstars). On the plus side my new girdle did arrive and now not only am I going to stop getting bruises on my thighs and arse from lack of padding but I’m going to look even butcher than I already seem to in full gear.
The Olympics start in just a few days and already I’m excited. Most likely (if they show any ice hockey) these’ll be the only LIVE games I’ll see all year. I do thank those friends of mine who have taped games and sent them to me all the way over here. If you think a day’s delay is unbearable, often I get them weeks, months after the actual game. I saw the Bruins opener in mid November (thanks Heather from

My biggest concern however is whether or not Joni Pitkanen will be playing for Finland when the tournament begins. After missing two months because of surgery for a sports hernia, Pitkanen has reportedly being having trouble getting back into his stride, still suffering tightness in the groin when skating.
I first saw Pitkanen play in the Youngstars tournament in 2004 and followed him through out the NHL playoffs, when he played. His play this year has changed dramatically from his play in 2004 and as well as his with the Phantom’s last year, winning the Calder Cup. He has, it seems, finally stepped up to his position as the future number 1 defenseman in the franchise and at 22 having been named onto the Finnish Olympic Team, is obviously doing it well. Pitkanen has this season truly shown what he can do, making the plays and scoring the goals he was drafted for as a truly offensive defenseman.

Oh and in a final photo. My hockey wall (which has since been added to so it now surroundeds the air conditioner)

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And last years school diary.
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Disagree with me? That’s cool. This is all my opinion from what I’ve heard. And of course from the NHL highlight real.

Music I'm Loving Currently - Anything by Fallout Boy , The Mammals "Rock that Baby" Album