Sunday, September 18, 2005

First - Always the best place to be.

Well. I'm Sasky and this is my first entry in my hockey-based blogspot/column thingie.

I'm a 16 year old hockey fan, possessor of Australia's largest hockey photo wall (feel free to dispute this claim but photographic evidence must be supplied). I reside in Rockhampton, The Beef Capital of Australia (lots of cow statues), in Centeral Queensland, Australia.

I get will once the season starts get probably 1 or 2 ice hockey games a month. Oh the joy! If it's a good month this might increase to 3 or 4! Can you tell the sarcasm? If you would like to complain about coverage i would suggest you do it elsewhere as the mere thought of getting the same amount of games could cause possile hyperventilation and then there is the messy medical processes after that.

I"m prone to rambling about hockey, both Ice and anything to do with inline i've played that week. I'm an avid inline player, a goalkeeper for the district 16's team, and also starting goalie for the State Senior Women's team at the Nationals titles, next week! I play 2 or 3 games a week and train twice. .. spending about 9 hours a week in skates. I also coach peewees (the whole 3 we have!).

I play in 2005 Nike Hi-Ho Silver's, my dream skates and 32" RBK Senior Pads in Raycroft colours (yes a major reason why I am relieved he has signed) which are my dream pads.

Hmm.. What else.. well.... physically, i'm 5 foot tall, and rather tiny-ish, hence forth the tendancy to get bowled over in games.

On hockey loyalties? I have none! No home team. No enemy team. I pretty much like everyone. I'm a player person. I follow players not teams and am partial to the young guys being young myself. Not getting to see them play i'm also easily swayed by articles, other people's opinions or their.... physical appearence.

My favourite player is Patrice Bergeron. yes I actually have seen him play. WJC gold medal game. Formally known as my happy tape. I watch it when ever I'm sad. Just the joy these guys have in the game makes me happy.

The first hockey game I ever saw, i stumbled upon on Austrr (paytv) on Wednesday, I believe June 4 (my birthday) and was game 3 or 4 of the Ducks Vs Devils Series... I fell for the game so hard that day.

Any way... I may not be accurate, I may not be right, but i'll be funny and honest.

1 comment:

violator said...

Good blog, just post more, you are welcome to visit mine